Conis Elco Ltd.БългарскиEnglish

Electrolytic Capacitors
A polar aluminium electrolytic capacitor consists of a wound capacitor element, impregnated with liquid electrolyte, connected to terminals and hermetically sealed in a aluminium case. The capacitor element is comprised of:
* Anode - etched and formed aluminium foil.
* Cathode - electrolyte, impregnated in paper.
* Cathode foil - etched aluminium foil for cathode outflow.

In the non-polar aluminium electrolytic capacitor and Motor-Start aluminium electrolytic capacitor a second anode foil substitutes the cathode foil to achieve a non-polar capacitor in a single case.

They are offered in radial-leaded, snap in and screw type terminals. Различни конструкции кондензатори за начално пускане на еднофазни асинхронни електродвигатели.

Electrolytic capacitors are most commonly used in such circuits functions as filtering, coupling, smoothing and by-passing, for energy storage, or wherever there is a need for capacitive reactance. The wide range of electrolytic capacitors covers the different applications as:

General purpose: radio, television and general applications.
Professional purpose: telecommunications equipment, electronic data processing, switched-mode power supplies.

The no polar aluminium electrolytic capacitors are used for momentary-duty AC applications like motor starting and voltage-reversing applications.

* Aluminum Foil: SATMA (France), KDK (Japan), BECROMAL (Italy), PANASONIC (USA).
* Paper: SPO (Germany), NKK (Japan).
* Work Electrolyte: