| Description: A polar aluminium electrolytic capacitor consists of a wound capacitor element,
impregnated with liquid electrolyte, connected to terminals and hermetically sealed in a aluminium case.
The capacitor element is comprised of: * Anode - etched and formed aluminium foil.
* Cathode - electrolyte, impregnated in paper.
* Cathode foil - etched aluminium foil for cathode outflow.
In the non-polar aluminium electrolytic capacitor and Motor-Start aluminium electrolytic capacitor a second anode foil substitutes
the cathode foil to achieve a non-polar capacitor in a single case.
They are offered in radial-leaded, snap in and screw type terminals. Различни конструкции кондензатори за начално пускане на еднофазни
асинхронни електродвигатели.
Application: Electrolytic capacitors are most commonly used in such circuits functions as filtering, coupling, smoothing
and by-passing, for energy storage, or wherever there is a need for capacitive reactance. The wide range of electrolytic capacitors
covers the different applications as:
General purpose: radio, television and general applications.
Professional purpose: telecommunications equipment, electronic data processing, switched-mode power supplies.
The no polar aluminium electrolytic capacitors are used for momentary-duty AC applications like motor starting and
voltage-reversing applications.
* Aluminum Foil: SATMA (France), KDK (Japan), BECROMAL (Italy), PANASONIC (USA).
* Paper: SPO (Germany), NKK (Japan).
* Work Electrolyte: